Discover how to remove the white background on's design maker, as well as some templates to get started.
If you want to construct a photomontage or design for your services, products, logo, or your team's crest, and need to erase the image white background, you have come to the right place. Using will allow you to eliminate the white background from your images and replace it with a transparent PNG that looks professional.
This is the filters button that will appear when you select the photo:
This is the option to remove the white background from the photo:
Don't forget to save the composition to continue editing it later ;)
When you remove an image background, a new image with a transparent background will be inserted and saved in your image folder. Then, to download the image, click on the design background, then on the transparent color in the sidebar, and download it in PNG format.
Remember that this type of image can be part of any of your business designs. At, you will find thousands and thousands of free templates for your business, easy to edit in a few clicks. Although you have the option to insert images from the Internet without copyright, we encourage you to upload your own to further customize the final result.
Go ahead and start using the transparent background maker for free!